Sunday, January 9, 2011


Forgiving someone is very hard. Fact.

Like love and most other "feelings" or "ideas"...forgiveness is a choice.

We have all been hurt before. And the easiest thing to do is play the victim, and that's typically my defense system. Most of the time we are the victim, but when we hold on to angry feelings that's when it starts to effect other relationships and let it boil over.

At some point, you have to let go. Jesus Christ offers us freedom in salvation, and all we are doing by holding on to anger and hurt is putting ourselves in to a state of bondage that Jesus freed us from.

I'm so glad God doesn't work like we do. He forgives us immediately. He doesn't go around feeling sorry for himself for days and says "Gabi, I just need time. You really hurt me."

Now it's human to feel hurt or betrayed and that's fine I think, but not to the extent that it begins to control you. Maybe I'm wrong about that, but it makes sense to me.

Another thing! Realize that people have had to forgive you too and will continually need to forgive you. We aren't perfect. At some point we are all going to need forgiveness from each other.

Even on the cross, Jesus asked for forgiveness for his accusers and us.
Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do. Luke 23:34

Check out these verses on forgiveness:

Colossians 3:13
Bear with each other and forgive whatever grievances you may have against one another. Forgive as the Lord forgave you.
Though our hearts are filled with sins, you forgive them all Psalm 65:3

But you offer forgiveness, that we might learn to fear you. Psalm 130:4

Come now, let us argue this out,’ says the LORD. ‘No matter how deep the stain of your sins, I can remove it. I can make you as clean as freshly fallen snow. Even if you are stained as red as crimson, I can make you as white as wool.' Isaiah 1:18

And forgive us our sins, just as we have forgiven those who have sinned against us . . . If you forgive those who sin against you, your heavenly Father will forgive you. But if you refuse to forgive others, your Father will not forgive your sins” Matthew 6:12, 14-15

 When they kept on questioning him, he straightened up and said to them,  “Let any one of you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her.”