So I don't know if you have ever heard this verse before, but it's stinkin good, really convicting, and what we need to hear sometimes.
Luke 6:4How can you say to your brother, ‘Brother, let me take the speck out of your eye,’ when you yourself fail to see the plank in your own eye? You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye.
Okay well God has really been working on my heart lately and revealing to me the things that are wrong with me. I know like all humans (at least I hope I'm not alone in this) we sometimes tend to think everyone else is the problem and that if more people were more like us then the world would be better. As if. I get on my own nerves sometimes and even find myself saying "Gabi, really?" Not aloud of course cause that would be weird, but you get the picture. No more Gabis! One is enough! I just don't get how I can know what God says and how I am supposed to love people and yet not do that. If I really understand God's love why is it not propelling me? Where is the connection failing?
I am beginning to see myself for who I really am: a sinner saved by grace. I am not perfect nor close to it. Just to be honest and maybe let you know you're not alone I'd like to share some of the things I struggle with.
1. Pride
2. Bitterness
3. Apathy
4. Feelings of inadequacy
5. Worthlessness
6. Jealousy
7. Envy
8. Judgmental Heart
I really don't know why I'm having a brain block, but those are eight of the one million things I struggle with on a daily basis.
I just can't even begin to explain what God is doing in my heart, but lately I have been overwhelmed with the fact that I need saving . I daily need God to save me from myself, from what the enemy tries to tell me and convince me of. I just wish I could realize this before the day is over and all the damage has been done.
Don't ask me what the purpose of this was, but I just never want to portray myself as someone who thinks they have it all together because I sure don't and I know that. I mean come on you could probably find a gazillion grammar mistakes in this thing...if I can't even write, what makes me think I can live life on my own? Delusional...
Until next time :)