Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Let's Talk about the Weather

Around this time for the past three years, my parents start to get a little depressed knowing that I am about to head back to school where I'm not as available. So...we try to spend as much time together as possible right before I leave. Tonight we went to watch Les Miserables which is one of my favorite books! I put off seeing the movie all break. I just didn't want to drag everyone into seeing a musical because I know those aren't exactly everyone's cup of tea. (If you natural instinct didn't force you to read that last phrase in a British accent please go back and do so.) Anyway, so we went, and it was great by the way. We will come back to the movie in a bit, but for now I would like to focus my attention on what happened right after the movie.

So tonight after the movie, I saw this man I had seen walking into the theater by himself before the movie. He  moved a little slower, had an oxygen tank, had a ball cap on, glasses, and a black jacket that said "Olive Garden" on the back in red, white and green with an Italian flag. I remember all this because as I could feel the Lord telling me to say something to him I was staring at him thinking of anything I could start a conversation about. The movie came to mind first, but I thought that was too easy. Since he walked pretty slow we passed him, and I felt defeated. I was disobedient. Every time this happens I am partly relieved and ashamed.

I stopped off at the bathroom and thought if the Lord wants me to speak to him he will still be here when I get out. I knew all the Lord needed me to do was just say hi and ask him how he was or something casual... something to let him know that someone cared. Well I came out and my mom and I had to wait on my Dad to go get the car and as we were waiting there the man came out. I could not think of anything to say, but he could. He started a conversation with my mom and I about the rain and weather. Thank goodness my mom was there because I was too busy being in awe of the Lord to even say anything really. He was such a happy guy, and I could tell that even after just a minute of talking to him. I always think conversations about the weather are so pointless, but I didn't think that tonight. I began to cry as the man walked away to his really nice Jaguar parked in the handicap parking spot. It proved to me once again that I am indeed God's. That man didn't need me to say hi to him for his sake. That guy was happy. I was the one who needed him. I would like to think the Lord told him to talk to me and man am I glad he was obedient.

When we are faithless, He is still faithful. Moments like that remind me that I am a work in progress and gives me passion to continue pursuing the Lord. I believe I saw Him tonight and I want those encounters everyday. It's all about seeing people as He sees them.  My favorite line from Les Miserables goes perfectly here; "To love is to see the face of God."