1. I just woke up from a beautiful nap in which I did not set an alarm. Praise Jesus!
2. I'm stinkin hungry.
3. I'm craving Chick-Fil-A.
4. I'm learning that Texas is not America despite popular belief. However, I can see us forming our own nation within the next 10 years if things don't start looking up. Sounds like a plan to me.
5. I have grown in my patience with the lengthy red lights here in the Springs. Not a fan, but I don't yell anymore...or roll my eyes.
6. I miss home. Never thought it would be possible with the beauty of Colorado, but it's just not Texas.
7. I have been saying soda more. #annoying. What's soda?
8. I don't think I'm a fan of backpacks anymore. Long story.
9. I'm starting to get concerned because I am still out of breath when I get to my apartment. Surely I should be used to the altitude by not. There's no way it could be connected to the fact that I may be out of shape.
10. I'm pretty confident that Instagram is my favorite app.
11. I'm also craving Chinese food...and Mexican food...and possibly Italian...ehh I'll taking anything right now to be honest.
12. I got a brand new pair of J-Crew shorts at Goodwill for $6. Holla!!!!!
13. I've read more books about marriage in the past week than I have in my entire life.
14. Did you know Abraham Lincoln's wife was not a pleasant woman? No wonder he ran this country so well. He knew the meaning of commitment.
15. I'm going to an Owl City concert Sunday...nbd. Physch! BIG STINKIN DEAL!
16. Fact: There are over a gazillion churches in Colorado Springs.
17. Fact: I have been to 5 of them.
18. Over half the things in my closet are from Goodwill.
19. I love Pizza Thursday's at Focu!
20. If I could be any super hero I wouldn't be Captain America because as you all know, I consider him to be potential marriage material. I think he may be a little old and possibly fictional, but those two things have yet to be confirmed.
21. I only have two weeks left in Colorado... seriously....
22. I'm a huge fan of strawberries. I eat them way to fast.
23. If I could eat a smoothie for every meal I totally would.
24. Btdubbs...I'm pretty much a pro at making smoothies.
25. I bought a present for Lillie yesterday. This is my way of seeing if she reads my blog.
26. I really like giraffes. I was thinking about it the other day, and like seriously how cool are they?!?! (The answer is pretty cool.)
27. I can't wait for The Dark Knight Rises to come out. Is that the title? I would google it, but this comptuer seems to hate computing.
28. It's a daily struggle to not buy gifts for people. I mean cause who doesn't love getting gifts?
29. My family will be here in 2 weeks! PARTAYYYYYY!
30. I really would like to go on a cruise at some point in my life.
31. I haven't made my bed in over 2 weeks.
32. I have a funny story about peanut butter if you'd like to hear it sometime.
33. I really hope I didn't leave out a number. I'm too lazy to check.
34. I miss the Texas heat until it gets hot.
35. Did that last one make sense?
36. For some weird reason a flamingo just popped into my head.
37. I really wish I liked coffee...I really do.
38. I like water. I'm definitely a fan.
39. I miss my momma's sweet tea.
40. This was going to be another thought about food, but I changed my mind.
41. My nails are pretty much always painted...except for when they're not.
42. Ya know...I really like Spotify.
43. My feelings get a little hurt when I don't get a text message all day.
44. I'd like to have more phone conversations rather than sending texts.
45. I need a haircut.
46. I'm too cheap to get one.
47. I still have a paper due tonight.
48. Believe it or not I am not any closer to finishing the book than I was when I started this blog.
49. Oh any of you who know me will find this funny. I'm an introvert! Ha. Go figure right?!
50. I really need to go finish my book.
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