Thursday, June 14, 2012

What Happened to the Windex?

As the week goes on, my desire to blog is fading. I am so mentally exhausted by the end of the day, but here I am once again. :) 

Today we learned about work and how God has designed it to be beautiful and how the world has destroyed that idea. I honestly want to pour out everything I'm learning, but there's really no way to sum up the three hours I am in class. It's all great information! I don't want to leave anything out! If any of you have ever been through the TRUTH PROJECT then you know what I'm talking about. We have had the honor of experiencing it face to face with Dr. Tackett rather than through a TV screen. It's been absolutely incredible and life changing, and it's only the first week!

Tonight we had dessert at one of our professor's houses. There is such an emphasis on the dynamic of community here! I love it! This is just a few of us. :)

My car isn't taking this whole mountain thing too well. It sounds like it's in pain quite a bit, but I know the cruiser will catch up!

Oh and now to the Windex! My car is slowly giving up on me, and one of the things that doesn't work is my wiper fluid. SO....I carry paper towels and windex in the back of my car. (Go ahead and laugh. I don't care.) Well tonight I was routinely going to get the windex and the paper towels, and I happened upon a disturbing sight. The bottle was open, and there wasn't a trace of windex in the bottle or in the back of my car. I have no idea where it went. I refuse to believe that altitude could consume and entire bottle of windex. The mystery will always remain, and I need to buy more windex. 

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